NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Math Chapter 7.1 Triangles


1.    In quadrilateral ABCD, AC = AD and AB bisects ∠A (see Fig. 7.16). Show ` \▵ABC≅▵ABD\ `. what can you say about BC and BD?


solution :


   AC = AD and AB bisect ∠A.


   ` \▵ABC≅▵ABD\ `

   BC and BD

   In the Fig,

   AB bisect ∠A[ Given ]

   ` \=>∠BAC=∠BAD\ `


   In ` \▵ABC\ ` and ` \▵ABD\ `,

   AC = AD[ Given ]

   ∠CAB = ∠DAB[ Given ]

   AB = AB[ Common ]


   ` \▵ABC≅▵ABD\ `[ SAS rule ]


   BC = BD[ CPCT ]

   I say about BC and BD is equal.

2.    ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AD = BC and ∠DAB = ∠CBA (see Fig. 7.17). Prove that
(i)  ` \▵ABD≅▵BAC\ `
(ii)  BD = AC
(iii)  ∠ABD = ∠BAC.


solution :


   AD = BC and ∠DAB = ∠BAC,


   (i)  ` \▵ABD≅▵BAC\ `
   (ii)  BD = AC
   (iii)  ∠ABD = ∠BAC.


   In ` \▵ABD\ ` and ` \▵BAC\ `,

   AD = BC[ Given ]

   ∠DAB = ∠CBA[ Given ]

   AB = AB[ Common ]


   (i) ` \▵ABD≅▵BAC\ `[ SAS rule ]

   (ii) BD = AC[ CPCT ]

   (iii) ∠ABD = ∠BAC[ CPCT ]

3.    AD and BC are equal perpendiculars to a line segment AB (see Fig. 7.18). Show that CD bisects AB.


solution :


   AD = BC and ∠CBO = ∠DAO.


   CD bisect AB,

   In the Fig,

   BC and AD are perpendicular AB.

   We say,

   BC ` \||\ ` AD

   CD is a transversal line.

   ∠BCD = ∠ADC` \-----(I)\ `[ Alternate interior angles ]


   In ` \▵CBO\ ` and ` \▵DAO\ `,

   ∠BCD = ∠ADO[ From (I) ]

   BC = AD[ Given ]

   ∠CBO = ∠DAO[ Given ]


   ` \▵CBO≅▵DAO\ `[ ASA rule ]


   BO = AO[ CPCT ]

   CO = DO[ CPCT ]


   I say that CD bisects AB.

4.    ` \l\ ` and ` \m\ ` are two parrel lines intersected by another pair of parallel lines ` \p\ ` and ` \q\ ` (see Fig. 7.19). Show that ` \▵ABC≅▵CDA\ `.


solution :


   l ` \||\ ` m and p ` \||\ ` q.


   ` \▵ABC≅▵CDA\ `

   In the Fig,

   l ` \||\ ` m and AC is a transversal line.

   ∠DAC = ∠BCA` \-----(I)\ `[ Alternate interior angles ]

   ∠BAC = ∠DCA` \-----(II)\ `[ Alternate interior angles ]


   In ` \▵ABC\ ` and ` \▵CDA\ `,

   ∠BAC = ∠DCA[ From (I) ]

   AC = AC[ Common ]

   ∠BCA = ∠DAC[ From (II) ]


   ` \▵ABC≅▵CDA\ `[ ASA rule ]

5.    Line ` \l\ ` is the bisector of an angle ∠A and B is any point on ` \l\ `. BP and BQ are perpendiculars from B to the arms of ∠A (see Fig. 7.20). Show that:
(i)  ` \▵APB≅▵AQB\ `
(ii)  BP = BQ or B is equidistant from the arms of ∠A.


solution :


   l bisect ∠A and BP and BQ are perpendiculars from B to the arms of ∠A.


   (i) ` \▵APB≅▵AQB\ `

   (ii) BP = BQ or B is equidistant from the arms of ∠A.

   In the Fig,

   l bisect ∠A[ Given ]

   ∠BAQ = ∠BAP` \-----(I)\ `


   In ` \▵APB\ ` and ` \▵AQB\ `,

   ∠P = ∠Q[ 90° Given ]

   ∠BAP = ∠BAQ[ From (I) ]

   AB = AB[ Common ]


   (i) ` \▵APB≅▵AQB\ `[ AAS rule ]


   (ii) BP = BQ[ CPCT ]


   It can be said the point B is equidistant from the arms of A.

6.    In Fig. 7.21, AC = AE, AB = AD and ∠BAD = ∠EAC. Show that BC = DE.


solution :


   AC = AE, AB = AD and ∠BAD = ∠EAC.


   BC = DE

   In the Fig,

   ∠BAD = ∠EAC[ Given ]

   Add ∠DAC both side,

   ∠BAD + ∠DAC = ∠EAC + ∠DAC

   ⇒ ∠BAC = ∠EAD` \-----(I)\ `


   In ` \▵ABC\ ` and ` \▵ADE\ `,

   AB = AD[ Given ]

   ∠BAC = ∠EAD[ From (I) ]

   AC = AE[ Given ]


   ` \▵ABC≅▵ADE\ `[ SAS rule ]


   BC = DE[ CPCT ]

7.    AB is a line segment and P is its mid-point. D and E are points on the same side of AB such that ∠BAD = ∠ABE and ∠EPA = ∠DPB (see Fig. 7.22). Show that
(i)  ` \▵DAP≅▵EBP\ `
(ii)  AD = BE


solution :


   AP = BP, ∠BAD = ∠ABE and ∠EPA = ∠DPB.


   (i) ` \▵DAP≅▵EBP\ `

   (ii) AD = BE

   In the Fig,

   ∠EPA = ∠DPB[ Given ]

   Add ∠EPD both side.

   ∠EPA + ∠EPB = ∠DPB + ∠EPD

   ⇒ ∠APD = ∠EPB` \-----(I)\ `


   In `\ ▵DAP\ ` and ` \▵EBP\ `,

   ∠DAP = ∠EBP[ Given ]

   AP = BP[ Given ]

   ∠APD = ∠EPB[ From (I) ]


   ` \▵DAP≅▵FPB\ `[ ASA rule ]


   AD = BE[ CPCT ]

8.    In right triangle ABC, right angled at C, M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB. C is joined to M and produced to a point D such that DM = CM. point D is joint B (see Fig. 7.23). Show that:
(i)  ` \▵AMC≅▵BMD\ `
(ii)  ∠DBC is a right angle.
(iii)  ` \▵DBC≅▵ACB\ `
(iv)  CM =` \frac{1}{2}\ `AB


solution :


   ` \▵ABC\ ` is right angled triangle, ∠C = 90°, AM = BM and DM = CM.


   (i)  ` \▵AMC≅▵BMD\ `

   (ii)  ∠DBC is a right angle.

   (iii)  ` \▵DBC≅▵ACB\ `

   (iv)  CM =` \frac{1}{2}\ `AB

   In ` \▵AMC\ ` and ` \▵BMD\ `,

   AM = BM[ Given ]

   ∠AMC = ∠BMD[ Vertically opposit angles ]

   CM = DM[ Given ]


   (i) ` \▵AMC≅▵BMD\ `[ SAS rule ]

   ∠ACM = ∠BDC[ CPCT ]

   AC = BD` \-----(I)\ `[ CPCT ]


   ∠ACD = ∠BDC[ Alternate interior angles ]


   We say,

   AC ` \||\ ` DB

   In the Fig.

   ∠DBC + ∠ACB = 180°[ Co-interior angles ]

   ` \=>∠DBC + 90° = 180°\ `[ Given ∠C = 90° ]

   ` \=> ∠DBC=180°-90°\ `

   ` \=>∠DBC=90°\ `

   (ii) ∠DBC is a right angle.


   In ` \▵DBC\ ` and ` \▵ACB\ `,

   BC = BC[ Common ]

   ∠DBC = ∠ACB[ right angles ]

   DB = AC[ From (I) ]


   (iii) ` \▵DBC≅▵ACB\ `[ SAS rule ]

   DC = AB[ CPCT ]


   DM = CM[ Given ]


   DC = AB

   ⇒ DM + CM = AB

   ⇒ CM + CM = AB

   ⇒ 2 CM = AB

   (iv) ` \CM=\frac{1}{2}AB\ `