NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Math Chapter 6.3 Lines and Angles


1.    In Fig. 6.39, sides QP and RQ of ` \▵PQR\ ` are produced to points S and T respectively. If ∠SPR=135° and ∠PQT=110°, find ∠PRQ.


solution :


   ` \∠SPR=135°\ ` and ` \∠PQT=110°\ `


   ` \∠PRQ=?\ `

   In the Fig,

   Side QP and RQ of ` \▵PQR\ ` are produced to points S and T respectively.

   ` \∠SPR+∠QPR=180°\ `[ Linear pair of angels ]

   ` \=>135°+∠QPR=180°\ `` \[∴∠SPR=135°]\ `

   ` \=>∠QPR=180°-135°\ `

   ` \=>∠QPR=45°\ `


   ` \∠PQT+∠PQR=180°\ `[ Linear pair of angels ]

   ` \=>110°+∠PQR=180°\ `` \[∴∠PQT=110°]\ `

   ` \=>∠PQR=180°-110°\ `

   ` \=>∠PQR=70°\ `


   In ` \▵PQR\ `,

   ` \∠PRQ+∠PQR+∠QPR=180°\ `[ Angle sum property of a traingle ]

   ` \=>∠PRQ+70°+45°=180°\ `[∴` \∠PQR=70°\ ` and ` \∠QPR=45°\ `]

   ` \=>∠PRQ+115°=180°\ `

   ` \=>∠PRQ=180°-115°\ `

   ` \=>∠PRQ=65°\ `


   The value of ` \∠PRQ\ ` is ` \65°\ `.

2.    In Fig. 6.40, ∠X=62°, ∠XYZ=54°. If YO and ZO are the bisectirs of ∠XYZ and ∠XZY respectively of ` \▵XYZ\ `, find ∠OZY and ∠YOZ.


solution :


   ` \∠X=62°\ `, ` \∠XYZ=54°\ ` and
YO and ZO are the bisectors of ∠XYZ and ∠XZY respectively of ` \▵XYZ\ `.


   ` \∠OZY=?\ ` and ` \∠YOZ=?\ `

   In ` \▵XYZ,\ `

   ` \∠X+∠XYZ+∠XZY=180°\ `[ Angle sum property of a traingle ]

   ` \=>62°+54°+∠XZY=180°\ `[∴` \∠X=62°\ ` and ` \∠XYZ=54°\ `]

   ` \=>116°+∠XZY=180°\ `

   ` \=>∠XZY=180°-116°\ `

   ` \=>∠XZY=64°\ `


   ` \∠OZY=\frac{1}{2}∠XZY\ `[Given]

   ` \=>∠OZY=\frac{1}{2}×64°\ `` \[∴∠XZY=64°]\ `

   ` \=>∠OZY=32°\ `


   ` \∠OYZ=\frac{1}{2}∠XYZ\ `[Given]

   ` \=>∠OYZ=\frac{1}{2}×54°\ `` \[∴∠XYZ=54°]\ `

   ` \=>∠OZY=27°\ `


   In ` \▵OZY,\ `

   ` \∠OZY+∠ZYO+∠YOZ=180°\ `[ Angle sum property of a traingle ]

   ` \=>32°+27°+∠YOZ=180°\ `[∴` \∠OZY=32°\ ` and ` \∠ZYO=27°\ `]

   ` \=>59°+∠YOZ=180°\ `

   ` \=>∠YOZ=180°-59°\ `

   ` \=>YOZ=121°\ `


   The value of ` \∠OZY=27°\ ` and ` \∠YOZ=121°\ `.

3.    In Fig. 6.41, if AB ` \||\ ` DE, ∠BAC=35° and ∠CDE=53°, find ∠DCE.


solution :


   AB ` \||\ ` DE, ` \∠BAC=35°\ ` and ` \CDE=53°\ `.


   ` \∠DCE=?\ `

   In the Fig,

   ` \∠BAC=∠CED\ `[Alternate interior angles ]

   ` \=>∠CED=35°\ `` \[∴∠BAC=35°]\ `


   In ` \▵CDE\ `,

   ` \∠CDE+∠CED+∠DCE=180°\ `[ Angle sum property of a traingle ]

   ` \=>53°+35°+∠DCE=180°\ `[∴` \∠CDE=53°\ ` and ` \∠CED=35°\ `]

   ` \=>88°+∠DCE=180°\ `

   ` \=>∠DCE=180°-88°\ `

   ` \=>∠DCE=92°\ `


   The value of ` \∠DCE\ ` is ` \92°\ `.

4.    In Fig. 6.42, if lines PQ and RS intersect at point T, such that ∠PRT=40°,∠RPT=95° and ∠TSQ=75°, find ∠SQT.


solution :


   ` \∠PRT=40°\ `, ` \∠RPT=95°\ ` and ` \∠TSQ=75°\ `


   ` \∠SQT=?\ `

   In ` \▵PRT\ `,

   ` \∠PTR+∠TRP+∠RPT=180°\ `[ Angle sum property of a traingle ]

   ` \=>∠PTR+40°+95°=180°\ `[∴` \∠TRP=40°\ ` and ` \∠RPT=95°\ `]

   ` \=>PTR+135°=180°\ `

   ` \=>∠PTR=180°-135°\ `

   ` \=>PTR=45°\ `

   In the Fig.

   ` \∠PTR=∠QTS\ `[ Vertically opposit angles ]

   ` \∠QTS=45°\ `` \[∴∠PTR=45°]\ `


   In ` \▵QTS\ `,

   ` \∠SQT+∠TSQ+∠QTS=180°\ `[ Angle sum property of a traingle ]

   ` \=>∠SQT+75°+45°=180°\ `[∴` \∠TSQ=75°\ ` and ` \∠QTS=45°\ `]

   ` \=>∠SQT+120°=180°\ `

   ` \=>∠SQT=180°-120°\ `

   ` \=>∠SQT=60°\ `


   The value of ` \∠SQT\ ` is 60°.

5.    In Fig. 6.43, if PQ` \⊥\ `PS, PQ ` \||\ ` SR, ∠SQR=28° and ∠QRT=65°, then find the value of ` \x\ ` and ` \y\ `.


solution :


   PQ` \⊥\ `PS, PQ ` \||\ ` SR, ` \∠SQR=28°\ ` and ` \∠QRT=65°\ `.


   ` \x=?\ ` and ` \y=?\ `

   In the Fig.

   ` \∠QRS+∠QRT=180°\ `[ Linear pair of angels ]

   ` \=>∠QRS+65°=180°\ `` \[∴∠QRT=65°]\ `

   ` \=>∠QRS=180°-65°\ `

   ` \=>∠QRS=115°\ `


   In ` \▵QRS\ `,

   ` \∠QSR+∠SQR+∠QRS=180°\ `[ Angle sum property of a traingle ]

   ` \=>∠QSR+28°+115°=180°\ `[∴` \∠SQR=28°\ ` and ` \∠QRS=115°\ `]

   ` \=>∠QSR+143°=180°\ `

   ` \=>∠QSR=180°-143°\ `

   ` \=>∠QSR=37°\ `


   PQ ` \||\ ` SR and PS is transversal.

   ` \∠QPS+∠PSR=180°\ `[ Interior angles on the same side of the transversal ]

   ` \=>∠PSR+90°=180°\ `` \[∴∠QPS=90°]\ `

   ` \=>∠PSR=180°-90°\ `

   ` \=>∠PSR=90°\ `

   ` \=>∠PSR=∠PSQ+∠QSR\ `[ From Fig. ]

   ` \=>90°=y+37°\ `[ From Fig. and ` \∠QSR=37°\ ` ]

   ` \=>y=90°-37°\ `

   ` \=>y=53°\ `


   In ` \▵PQS\ `,

   ` \∠QSP+∠SPQ+∠PQS=180°\ `[ Angle sum property of a traingle ]

   ` \=>53°+90°+∠PQS=180°\ `[∴` \∠QSP=53°\ ` and ` \∠SPQ=90°\ `]

   ` \=>143°+∠PQS=180°\ `

   ` \=>∠PQS=180°-143°\ `

   ` \=>∠PQS=37°\ `

   ` \=>x=37°\ `` \[∴∠PQS=x]\ `


   The value of ` \x\ ` is 37° and ` \y\ ` is 53°.

6.    In Fig. 6.44, the side QR of ` \▵PQR\ ` is produced to a point S. If the bisectors of ∠PQR and ∠PRS meet at point T, then prove that ` \∠QTR=\frac{1}{2}∠QPR\ `.


solution :


   ` \∠PQR\ ` bisect QT and ` \∠PRS\ ` bisect RT.


   ` \∠QTR=\frac{1}{2}∠QPR\ `

   In ` \▵PQR\ `,

   ` \∠PRS=∠QPR+∠PQR\ `[ Angle Sum Property of a Triangle ]

   ` \=>∠PRS-∠PQR=∠QPR\ `

   ` \=>∠QPR=∠PRS-∠PQR\ `` \----- (I)\ `


   In ` \▵QTR\ `,

   ` \∠TRS=∠QTR+∠TQR\ `[ Angle Sum Property of a Triangle ]

   ` \=>∠TRS-∠TQR=∠QTR\ `

   ` \=>∠QTR=∠TRS-∠TQR\ `` \----- (II)\ `


   ` \∠PRS=∠PRT+∠TRS\ `[ From Fig. ]

   ` \=>∠PRS=∠TRS+∠TRS\ `[ From Fig. ` \∠PRT=∠TRS\ ` ]

   ` \=>∠PRS=2∠TRS\ `

   ` \=>∠TRS=\frac{1}{2}∠PRS\ `` \----- (III)\ `


   ` \∠PQR=∠PQT+∠TQR\ `[ From Fig. ]

   ` \=>∠PQR=∠TQR+∠TQR\ `[ From Fig. ` \∠PQT=∠TQR\ ` ]

   ` \=>∠PQR=2∠TQR\ `

   ` \=>∠TQR=\frac{1}{2}∠PQR\ `` \----- (IV)\ `


   From (II), (III) and (IV).

   ` \∠QTR=\frac{1}{2}∠PRS-\frac{1}{2}∠PQR\ `

   ` \=>∠QTR=\frac{1}{2}(∠PRS-∠PQR)\ `` \----- (V)\ `

   From (I) and (V).

   ` \=>∠QTR=\frac{1}{2}∠QPR\ `
